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Recurring Donations

One Time Donation Tiers


Support Your Community Radio Station

You have supported us through our first two full years on the air and we need your continued support now and into the future. Your contributions will help keep us broadcasting and serving our community. Thank You!

Our community radio station partners with more than 50 volunteers that give more than 400 hours of their time every week, but we also require funding. To grow our station and to enhance our listening opportunities, we need to meet more people, more businesses and provide positive experiences to bring Wimberley together.  With local news, local music and the voices of our residents, Wimberley Valley Radio is a decidedly powerful message to all that live and visit here.


We invite you to become a financial partner with us.  You can do that with your business or by your personal donation or subscription. Use the form below to highlight your contribution or feel free to contact our staff for a face to face meeting to see what is best for your situation. 


We are a 24/7 non commercial, non profit radio station here to serve the information needs of the Wimberley valley. Like any other business we pay rent, electricity, internet, programming fees, music rights fees, salaries, accounting and legal fees, engineering fees, equipment maintenance fees, all to keep the doors open and programs on the air.


Bob & Jenelle Flocke

Brach Thomas

Brandon Metcalf

Christine Neal

Claire Billingsley 

Debra Billups-Gentle Breezes

Dianne Erickson

Dolores Wright

Dustin Schlosser

Gary & Peggy Welborn

Jennifer & Joe Morris

Jesse Kubica

John Casseb


Thank You to this year's Pledge Supporters!

Make an Impact! While KWVH hosts fundraising drives twice a year, if you love what we do, consider supporting us through a sustaining gift.

Johnna Beth Dennis

Kathleen Encstrum

Laura Lee

Lauraine Rose

Laurie & Ben Enyart

Lois & Danny Hickman

Mary Mettenbrink

Maxine Dorriety

MM & CZ Dorriety

Nathalie Harris 

Pam Oswalt

Phil & Alice Lebkuecher

Ray Jacobson 

Robert & Alison Harla

Robert Hardigan

Ruthie Cabler

Sharon Limpack

Terry & Kathy Frost

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