The Empowered Community is back Friday March 31st from 7-9 am. We will discuss healthy eating and sustainable food. How do we physically prepare our bodies for general health and wellness, through times of abundance and times of scarcity?
Experts Ali Miller and Kaz Pedonesi from Naturally Nourished Market in Wimberley will discuss the focus of their wonderful boutique market which opened Fall 2022 in the Junction. Ali is a registered dietician with a “food as medicine” philosophy, a podcast, and her own line of supplements. Kazmira and her husband Dan are proprietors of Adagio Salumi, a ranch featuring pasture to plate pork products. Along with third partner Chelsea, the market features carefully curated food products and specialty artisan goods. The market offers membership benefits for local members, as well as regular social learning events and classes to enable people to learn more about eating in a more healthy and sustainable way.
The Empowered Coommunity has featured expert guests focusing on issues of preparation, resilience, and sustainability in all areas of our lives. Food security, water security, home gardening, raising poultry, and emergency preparedness. Find out more at
Listen to the program live each Friday from 7-9 AM on KWVH 94.3 FM, or streaming at
